How does the Leadership Thunder Bay program work?
20 to 25 individuals from the private, public and not-for-profit sector are recruited annually from the community to experience a ten month program. The program runs from September to June.

The four main components are:

  • Opening Leadership Retreat
  • 8 Leadership Learning days
  • Community Action Project
  • Closing session and Graduation

The Leadership Days deal with real community issues. All of the sessions expose the participants to resource people and leading thinkers.

How are individuals selected to participate?

A Screening and Selection Committee review the applications to the program as well as carry out interviews with each applicant. The final decision is made by the Leadership Thunder Bay Board of Directors.
Is there a target age range for participants?

No. Participants are chosen on their merit.

Is there a cost?

Yes, there is a tuition fee of $2,700 to partially cover program expenses. Cost should not a barrier to participation. Limited bursary support may be available.

How is the overall program funded?

The program is funded through a combination of participant fees, corporate investment, fundraising, membership and foundation support.

What are the benefits of the program?

To the Individual

  • Increased leadership skills
  • Knowledge of regional issues
  • Knowledge of the region and its history
  • Informed network of diverse colleagues
  • Understanding of diversity
  • Refinement of personal values and mission

To the Community

  • Pool of committed community leaders to serve as board members and volunteers
  • Talented group of leaders who can be called upon for solutions to community issues
  • Leadership that can be tapped for governmental task forces and commissions
  • Well-informed citizens who are motivated to run for public office

To the Employer

  • Increased leadership skills
  • Knowledge of regional issues that can be used for greater organizational effectiveness
  • An opportunity to position a business as an organization committed to community quality and to position its decision makers as committed community leaders
  • Understanding of diversity that can be applied at the place of employment