Leadership Thunder Bay Mentorship Program


One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination” (John C. Maxwell)

The Leadership Thunder Bay Mentorship Program runs annually from September to June. With support from the Mentorship Committee, Mentees are paired with a Mentor. If a Mentee applicant has a Mentor they are interested in working with, the committee can support this process as well. The Mentee/Mentor pairs establish their own goals, meeting schedule and communication process. All content discussed during the meetings remains confidential between the Mentee and Mentor.


What is Mentoring?

Mentoring is a strengths-based developmental, confidential, and mutual relationship between the Mentor and Mentee/Protégé.  It is a process where an individual transfers knowledge, skills, and abilities to support the Mentee to:

  • Develop an expanded vision (future growth and strategy/big picture thinking)
  • Assess the current situation, and advance competency, skills, and knowledge (behaviors and attitudes)
  • Determine strategies for increased influence/political savvy and “being heard”
  • Reinforce past, current, and future efforts and uphold accountability for actions
  • Create and evaluate effective action plans


Want to become a Mentee?

In order for the Mentorship Committee to assist in matching mentees with suitable mentors, an application form must be completed. The committee will consider the goals and expected outcomes to source potential mentors. A mentee may already have a mentor that they wish to work with, which will be supported through the mentorship program.


2023/2024 Mentorship Program Application

Applications for the 2023/2024 Mentorship Program will be received until Friday, June 30th, 2023. Any late applications may be considered at the sole discretion of the Leadership Thunder Bay Mentorship Committee.

Click below for the documents, if you have any issues downloading the documents or have any other questions, please contact Alana at mentorship@leadershiptb.com 


Mentorship Guide 2023-2024

Mentorship Application 2023-2024

Confidentiality Agreement 2023-2024